Sabaku no Gaara

Sabaku No Garaa - Gaara is a ninja from Sunagakure, the son of the Kazekage 4. While still in the womb, the father told Granny Chiyo (advisor Sunagakure) to seal Shukaku tail 1 Ichibi, into the body of Gaara, causing Gaara can control sand. Gaara's mother died after giving birth to Gaara because he was made victims Shukaku. By his father, Gaara can control sand, because there Shukaku within his body. Gaara always carry a barrel of sand on his back and fight its enemies with sand, among other jutsu-jurusnya Sabaku Kyuu, Sabaku Sou Sou, Ryuu Ryuu Sabaku, Sabaku Taisou, Suna Shigure, Shukaku no Tate, and others.

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