One Piece 599: Prediction by Smurfclassic

One Piece 599 and Fairy Tail are up!!

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One Piece 599 (English)

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Chapter 599: The Nine Pirates

Luffy is on the ship, and Hancock is disguising him
Hancock gives Luffy her coat
Luffy says no to fake mastouche
Hancock says this is as far as she can take him
Luffy tells her he wants to see her again
Hancock misunderstands that as a marriage proposal

Back to Sabaody
Fake Luffy is talking trash to Luffy
Luffy only says I'm sorry to him
Fake Luffy fires his gun at Luffy
Luffy uses haki to dodge the attack
Fake Luffy is unconcious, everyone in the area is astonished

Sabaody 17GR
Robin finds Sunny, and Franky is there.
Franky is bald. His hands are very mechanical.
Robin and Franky enjoys their reunion
Robin tells him she met Rayleigh and others already.
Only Luffy hasn't shown up at the bar yet

Brook Live concert is going well

Fake Luffy, Fake Usopp, Fake Sanji, Fake Zoro, and Fake Chopper
Chopper tells Fake Luffy that (Fake) Robin has been abductetd
Fake Luffy tells him to leave her be, that was her fate
Chopper says he's dissapointed with them, and goes off to save her

Sabaody 66GR Marine base
A marine reports the Strawhats are gathering at 46GR, as they look at the fake Luffy's recruit poster
Sentoumaru appears.

Small panels of Robin and Franky on the Sunny
Usopp and Nami are talking with each other somewhere
Sanji is walking
Chopper is running
Luffy is looking at the Vivre card

Sanji asks the fisherman to sell him fish cheap
The fisherman is agitated, it seems he had made some grave mistake..
He tells Sanji a young man with three swords wanted to fish because he was bored,
and the fisherman told the young man to get in the boat and wait for him.
Sanji asks if it'sa green haired man with 3 swords, and haramaki around his waist
Fisherman: Yeah, that's correct! And he's one-eyed! You know him?
I told him to wait on the boat, but he got on the big ship next to it and fell asleep
I yelled out to him that that's the wrong ship, but he won't wake up.
The coated pirate ship started submerging... they went to fishman island!
Sanji is muttering about how Zoro got there first, but he still ended up getting lost

That's when a commotion started at the harbor
Bubbles started bursting on the surface of the ocean, and a broken ship floats up
Crowd wonders if the coating failed, or if it was attacked by Sea Kings.
Then they notice someone in the ship

Zoro sheathes his sword
Zoro: I got on the wrong ship!!

by smurfclassic

continued from One Piece 598 Prediction
One Piece 599

PG 1
Outside shakki's store

''everyone's, mine so glad that everyone's ok, and got my message'' said luffy
''haha, well it wasn't hard to figure it out, it had to something simple with you'' said nami smiling
everyone that's laughing and agreeing, luffy starts laughing along with them

after that the laugh stops and everyone's got a worried look on there face and then nami starts talking ''hey...luffy''

''huh'' luffy with a confused look on his face
''are you ok, you know with what happen with ace, i sorry we couldn't be there for you'' nami says with the beginning of tears in her eyes

''oh right, well yea i couldn't except it as first'' says luffy, flashback to him going wild on amazon lily (i really couldn't) thinks luffy

''but now i can, im sure ace would want me to keep following my dream'' says luffy with a nostalgic look on his face, behind is a flashback picture of luffy, ace and sabo looking out to sea.
''yeah, your right'' nami says as she wipe's her eye and then starts to smile, and for does the rest of them.

''oh and don't worry about me being alone i had help so i wasn't alone'' says luffy behind him a shadow of a figure is coming out of the entrance of shakki's place

continued from One Piece 598 Prediction
PG 2
outside shakki's

as Hancock comes into view, robin takes a battle stance and says to luffy ''isn't that the warlord boa Hancock luffy''

after hearing this chopper, Franky, nami, zoro, brook, and usopp take a battle stance
sanji looks at her and his eyes turn to hearts, but remember that looks cant can be deceiving so tries to take a battle stance but while looking at her hearts start to appear from his head

''easy everyone, she's really nice and she helped me a lot'' luffy says while trying to calm them down, they all take luffy word for it because not being there for him when they were most needed left them with a little gratitude to Hancock

Hancock blushes after being called nice, after this because sanji no longer thinks of her as an enemy his legs give out and he turn all red looking at her

''Hancock let me introduce, this is Franky, chopper, brook, usopp, zoro, robin, sanji and nami'' says luffy pointing to one after the other, Hancock only really pays attention to nami and robin, but feels relieved because see thinks they aren't as beautiful as her

''excuse me, but can you show me your pants'' brook says, but in response to this hancock's temper is shown when dealing with men (other than luffy)

continued from One Piece 598 Prediction
PG 3
outside shakki's

Hancock on reflex does a jumping turn kick towards brook that will turn him to stone, but on reflex luffy also color of observation realizes that its not a normal kick so uses color of armament and stops Hancock leg easily by grabbing it

Hancock ashamed of the attack that she did on one of luffy's crew without realizing it, but luffy understand that and says ''it was an accident Hancock i know'' then luffy smiles towards her, from luffy being so kind and smiling from her disgrace Hancock nearly faints and ends up on the floor

the sound of a sword swing is heard as well as it going back into its scabbard but from the look of zoro it doesn't look like he moved a muscle, showing speed that he has never shown before which could have easily cut hancock's leg if it had gone any closer to brook

sound of the rocks breaking can be heard from under sanji leg were the ground if breaking showing that the sanji was also ready to move

sounds of machine part retracting after being instinctively activated from Franky after realizing that a crew member was about to be attacked

nami swings her pole around stopping the lightning from above Hancock to strike and starts disapating

seed drop back into usopp's bag and his weapon if returned to his back in a blink of an eye like he's done the same thing over a million times

an extreme killer intent from behind Franky disappears after chopper eats a red ball of medicine and the out grown horns and hair begin to retract and his size becomes smaller, then chopper is seen appearing from behind Franky

brooks cane goes back together, flowers disappear from behind brooks back that they were there to protect brook just in case no one stopped Hancock, ''yohohoho'' from brook

robin smiles and so does the rest of the straw hat crew because they all realized the each other was ready to defend, so after smile they continue to reminisce and talk about how much everyone has changed and grown stronger

continued from One Piece 598 Prediction
PG 4
outside shakki's

Hancock was not aware of the danger that she just avoided because of the roller-coaster of feeling that her was feeling one after another;
angry at brook for being asked that question

embarrassed as well as angry at herself for not being able to contain herself
upset at the thought of nearly hurting one of luffy's friends
relived for being stopped before anything happened

happy and excited from luffy touching her leg when he stopped her, because these emotions hit her one after another she didn't have time to notify the others movements or there killer intent
but because the rest that just exited shakki's house were not blinded by the emotions that Hancock was going though they all saw what went down in a matter of seconds and each of them had a cold sweat at what they saw, including shakki who has seen more than they have after being a pirate over 40 years ago

but they all remained silent because Hancock didn't notice and it would have hurt her pride.
after the the talking dies down luffy says ''let's go inside we have a lot of work to do'' everyone smile and agrees

PG 5
inside shakki's store

everyone has entered shakki's bar with usopp coming in last carrying a large box that he just manages to get though the door

''what's that usopp'' luffy asks
''yea Ive been wondering about that as well ask nami'' while staring at the box
''its some plants that have seeds i use for my new weapons and i was wondering if i could store them here shakki until i can put them on the sunny go'' usopp ask shakki politely
''yea sure no problem'' shakki replies

''speaking about the sunny is rayliegh coating it already'' asks Franky
''yea, he left to do it a little of a day ago, he should be done in a couple of days'' says shakki

''that explains why when we came to SA and followed the vive card it pointed to the see and we couldn't stop Rayleigh'' says chopper while eating some cotton candy that shakki just pasted him
''how's the sunny go been shakki's i thought that with what we did here last time there could have been trouble with the marines trying to get a hold of it'' says a worried Franky

''nothing really happen just some weak bounty hunter that even the rosy riders could take take of'' says shakki with a suspicious look, camie is shown sitting down behind shakki with a surprised look at what shakki just said, then think (she must not want them to feel guilty about what happened) flash is shown of shakki getting of the boat and standing next to kuma behind the face of a now worried camie

continued from One Piece 598 Prediction
PG 6
flashback of kuma and shakki at the sunny go

''your on our side right kuma'' shakki says while looking up to kuma, but after kuma looks at her his eye glow red and just as he's about to attack shakki's realizes she move out of the direction of the boat and shout's ''set sail, ill handle him some how just get out of here'' shakki's says as she doges kuma's attack

shakki stand's there looking up at kuma wondering if he is going to follow the sunny go or fight her, so she stays ready to move in case he goes after the boat

shakki's wanted poster is shown and that changes kuma's priority and he starts to concentrate his attack on her, shakki is shown avoiding a few attacks from kuma

hachin is shown sneaking back onto Shabondy archipelago after coming from duval's base were the sunny go is discreetly covered up in case passes by on the way to SA might see it

hachin is finally shown getting to shakki's bar after being careful not to be seen only to find that shakki's is collapsed in the doorway all bloody

''SHAKKI'' hachin screams and shakki's opens her eyes and smile a bit
''it's ok hachin, ive all ready stopped the blood i just need to rest now, keep the sunny go hidden, i was able to damage him a fair bit but i dont know long it will be until he get repaired'' shakki says just before she passes out

PG 7
Flashback over and inside shakki's house

''oh, if nothing really happened then that's ok, i have some weapons and new improvements that im going to make to the sunny go on the ship i brought i need a save place to keep them so they don't get stolen, these weapons in the wrong hands would be very bad'' says Franky now worried about the ship he used to get here after being relieved that the sunny go is ok

Hancock after finally being back to her usual self (staring at luffy) but being able to follow there conversation and realizes that this is a great chance to get back on good terms with luffy's friends after what she did early and says ''you can keep your ship next to mine then no one will go near it and if you still don't think your equipment you haven't onbeard is safe you can always put them onboard''

''really that will help out a lot thanks'' franky says now becoming relieved and after looking at her he starts to blush a little

''did anyone come one a boat that need putting near my ship or another stuff that i can help out with'' Hancock says trying to get on the rest of there good side

''i put the ship that i got from the skyisland onto of the trees, it should be safe there'' nami says like its nothing, but everyone one except for chopper is surprised

''skyisland, really is that were you were sent off to nami'' says luffy surprised, hancock is shown angry biting her thumb nail (he talked to her so casually her and called by her nami) ''does that mean it's a flying ship'' says luffy with sparkling eyes

''yeah, i was a skyisland that studied the weather, i helped out alot so they gave me a ship (well they would have if i asked for it) and i was able to learn alot about the weather in the new world'' nami smile and makes a fist and is very proud of what she accomplished

''i don't need any help with my stuff either i left them on nami's ship'' says chopper, everyone is also surprised at this as well

''how did you leave them on her ship that above the tree'' says Franky

''i also flew here on a giant bird that i made friends with on the island that i was sent to, i saw something on top of the trees when i got closer i realized it was nami hiding her ship so i left all my stuff up there and after we cover the ship nami jump onto the my friends back and we flew around the SA looking for the boat, after we couldn't find it we got off, said goodbye to my friend and started to make our way here''

''oh amazing, that just like you to make friends with a animal'' luffy says with a big smile on his face, all the other's are also smiling

''shut up, even if you praise me its not going to make me happier'' chopper says doing his usual happy dance, after that all of the strawhat member burst out laughing, realizing that even though even has change they are still the same people deep down

continued from One Piece 598 Prediction
PG 8
inside shakki's bar

''oh i've got some stuff that i need to keep safe can i keep them on your lovely ship hancock-sama'' sanji says while fantasizing about taking a walk with Hancock to her ship like it's a date
''sure'' hancock says but doesn't really take much notice of him and now back to staring at luffy, sanji notices her not caring and thinks that she's doesn't mind being alone on a walk with him

(back into his fantasy world)
''sanji, just some recipes that i haven't read yet that need to be keep secret, when you get to eat the stuff im making im sure you've going to find it better that anything you've had before'' sanji says with a very confident look, luffy mouth start watering

''sanji FOOOOODDDDD!!!!!'' luffy shouts,
''not yet we have some more important stuff to do first right'' says sanji at the same time the other member that haven't said if they need to put anything on Hancock boat (zoro, robin, brook) all says that they don't have anything that needs safe keeping

luffy realizes that its more important that the mission he wants to achieve is successful than him eating some nice food even though he's not hungry ''ok, but we'll need a meal before we start the freeing the slaves'' luffy says

''yea i make sure something nice is prepared for just before we start'' sanji says even though he isnt showing it he also cant wait to show off the recipes that he got 99 masters he defeated
Robin is shown standing over the information collected by both rosy riders and shakki

PG 9
Inside shakki's bar

''luffy is it ok is if i look over all of this data and see the best way to plan the attack'' robin says while plotting all of the place there are stores on a SA map, as well of the personal slaves in a different color on that same map

''sure, i was just going to free each slave one after another until they were all free'' luffy says, everyone in the bar starts laughing except for Hancock who just keeps think that he like the man who set her free

''yea, i figured you would do something like that, doing nothing but making us worry, we can use my ship to travel some of the slaves to were we can help them also it can create different weather like fog, if we do that maybe we can go longer without of finding out who we are'' says nami, luffy is overjoyed by a flying ship that can change the weather

''we'll also help out in freeing those slaves, consider all of the kuja pirates at your disposal to help you with whatever you need'' insists hancock with a serious look on her face and behind her face is a flashback of her and her sisters as slaves

the reason that she offered her crew to help might have a little to do with helping out her most loved person and more to do with the fact that she know what it's like to be a slave
''thanks they will come in real help if we want to get this done before rayliegh gets backs and we get discovered by the marines'' says robin as she chuckles at the thought of the marines finding them

robin start formulating a plan with easy even though she is planing the movement of both the crews as well as shakki and the rosy riders that shakki just informed them will also be helping, this comes easy to robin after the time she spent with the revolutionary army

''robin you seems to find that easy, like you've done this many time before'' mutters nami with a surprised look on her face with looking at the plans even though she can understand them and follow them she herself know that she wouldn't have been able to make these plans in the short of time that robin has had

''oh really, its probably because i have done this a few times before'' robin answer with smile and continuing with her work

''really were i mean its not like there are many places that you can make these sorts of plans, was it before to meet us or during these last 2 years'' nami's says quickly because she really wants to know the answer, now everyone is also interested in were she learned to be able to do this because they don't know much about robin's past and she hasn't yet told them what she did the last 2 years

''oh its was in the last 2 years, i didn't to do anything like this before i joined up with crocodile and even then he was a cunning guy so i didn't do much, but i guess the work that i did helping the revolutionary army these last 2 years is helping me out here'' replied robin as if it was nothing but everyone one is shocked

''revolutionary army!!!!! you mean you meet with luffy's dad dragon'' nami shouts
''oh yea, i guess you really cant trust much of what the newspaper says about him even though he is the leader of the revolutionary he not that bad of a guy'' robin says this clamly, luffy not really interested about his dad because he understands that each person has there own path to follow, however luffy is interested in someone else from the revolutionary army

''Robin did you meet ivan-san when you were there'' luffy says as he remembers all the help he received from him

PG 10
inside shakki's bae

''you mean ivankov luffy, sure i meet him after reading the newspaper and finding out that he helped you out a lot i had to find him a thank him personally, he just said that he also had to thank you and hopes that you're well'' robin says this and smiles after noticing that luffy is happy to know that he's fine because during the fight was the last time that he saw him

sanji is shown while a angry look on his face after the mention of invankov and behind him is a flash back picture of him beating the hell out of sanji, robin notices this and laugh because ivankov told her that he beat the snot out of a guy called sanji this is shown in a flashback behind robin's picture

''anyway i think that i might need to contact them to see if that can help the freed slaves get off the island so they dont become slaves again'' robin says this as she get told there is a den-den-mushi in the back room from shakki

after contacting the revolutionary army she mentions ''they will be sending someone and boat to pick up the slaves and take them were ever they wanted to go, they said they might not have enough room for them on 1 boat, so they said that as long as there is a place of them to hide them will make as many trip as they need to help out people who have been abandoned by the WG''
''SUPER!! leave it too me i will make a house that they can stay in to keep them out of view until they can live normal lives again, also with a little help in collect and cutting the wood (franky looks at zoro as he back to training) i should be able to make a ship for them as well, just need to pick up some stuff from the shops here on SA'' says a overjoyed franky

everyone in the strawhat crew just smile because they knew he would welcome the challenge of building a house and a boat as well freeing all the slaves. franky realizing that he doesn't have much time to everything he starts working on making a large house under the root and tells them than when the start to inform him

''oh luffy you said that you could take the collar off without the keys, how do you do that???'' asks a curious robin, this sparks the interest in all of the people in shakki's bar as well all of the Strawhat member flashback to the what rayliegh did in the auction house 2 years ago

''oh yea, its something everyone can do with enough training near the need of my training i thought about this plan to free slaves and i asked rayliegh to teach me how to do the same thing that he did in the auction house, i took me about 1 week to be able to do it as well'' luffy says as he sits down to start explaining how it works

''you have to extend your haki color of armament around the color and the break the collar and open it up while containing the explosion and tossing it aside quickly, to be able to contain an explosion the size of the necklace i had to practiced using the cannon balls from hanock ship that i asked for'' luffy informs them, they all look surprised to see that luffy thought so much ahead
hancock then suddenly realizes that is what the cannon balls that she was asked to deliver were for

continued from One Piece 598 Prediction
PG 11
on-route back to shakki's

shakkis is shown with some of the kuja pirates and a stock load of food and other supplies
''did you get everything shakki-sama'' asks a kuja pirate, behind her is a flash back of franky and sanji asking her to get whatever on the list they both need

''yea i got a lot of food and all the needed supplies with the money that some of my kind customer donated for a worthy cause and also saved money with the shops having a discount sale, i mean these clothes with come in use as well for the slaves that haven't been given proper clothing'' says a smiling shakki

the kuja pirates have an awkward forced smile as they each recall shakki beating some money out of some last minute customer that just walked into her store before they even had a chance to purchase anything, as well as beating the shop owner until they sell there product to her for a unreasonably low price

''it's a good job it was you who went to buy the supplies i don't think anyone would have been able to get a discount this good'' says the kuja pirate trying to keep on her good side after seeing how scary she can get

''well if monkey-chan or any member of his crew went into a shop i think that could have gotten it for free as soon as the shop owner noticed them but that would also be bad for us if they notified the marines so i went instead'' says shakki while chuckling

shakki and the kuja pirates return to shakki's bar to find nami ship outside with franky admiring it as well as luffy begging to have a ride on it but still getting refused until after the mission is over

''oh looks like your back and have gotten to stuff i asked for'' franky says while taking the stuff the kuja pirates were pulling in carts ''I've decided after inspecting the roots for the trees here to instead of chopping them down and building a house that some people could spot if they are close, im going to just hollow of the big tree roots and use the wood i get from inside to building proper living quarter inside the tree root''

''AMAZING, wouldn't that be kind of hard franky'' says an impressed chopper, with all the other looking down at the big roots that are below

''it's a fair bit harder than buliding a new house from scratch but it's not all that difficult and it's better to keep secret incase the slave's owner come looking for them'' says a serious franky, sanji is shown behind franky taking the food from the carts that were carrying them into shakki's bar

''franky if you bulid a kitchen i will be able to make the food there later instead of traveling back and forth from shakki's to deliver food'' says sanji as her enter shakki house to start preparing some food for the first slaves to arrive

''OK!!!!! you do that franky, sanji and the rest of use each have jobs to do'' says an excited luffy and he climb onto the nami ship with the rest of the strawhat crew, hancock looks dejected because they have to part for a while so she can back to her ship and start the plan of sailing to first grove they are about to attack

''ok luffy you jump down after the fog is completely covering the grove'' says nami as she starts the weather machine on the ship ''your the one that needs to keep out of site the most even though we havent done anything to get noticed in the last 2 years they should still remember you from the incident while the tenruybito as as well as the war'' nami says dishearteningly if case if made luffy remember abot losing ace

''there are 3 slaves store on this grove and only a few personal slaves, hancock and her crew are taking care of the personal slaves and one of the slave stores, zoro and you and chopper will take care of another slaves trader store, and me nami, brook and usopp will take care of the last one'' robin says trying to keep if as simple as possible for luffy and zoro to understand

''if any of the group find slaves that don't have keys to the collar's then try will red up a red signal, that will be for you luffy when you see that remember to go immediately to that location, your the only who can release the collars you don't need to worry about there being enough people to take care freeing the slaves were you are because most of the rosy riders will be with you in case you have to leave'' robin tell luffy trying to stress the importance

''use them to get to the signal if u need to luffy, the owners might activate the counted down to the explosion so you need to hurry'' says nami

continued from One Piece 598 Prediction
PG 12
nami's ship

''zoro if there's any slaves that you cant find the keys for then cut the chain that bind that and have to go to luffy as fast as they can'' says nami to the zoro and after he agrees then she then asks him ''i want you to get of the money in the auction house you can find, and when we come to pick you up make sure to get it all on the ship'' nami says with a cunning face

''WHAT why should i have to do that for you!!!'' shouts an annoyed zoro
''dont you remember that you owe me money from loungetown'' nami's replies

''i re-payed that and then you said there was interest and that got me to help vivi in promise of use getting money for helping her'' argues zoro
''yes your right but we never got that money did we, and counting all the days of interest that you own me i think that the only way for you to pay me back is if you get all of the money from all of the stores you attack'' nami's says as she grabs zoro shirt and leans in with a scary face

''ok...ok, but after i don't owe you anything'' agrees a reluctant zoro, luffy is shown not caring about there conversation just looking down as the fog keeps spreading waiting for it all to cover the grove, everyone else on board is chuckling at zoro being forced to do as nami says

''what about the other auction house that hancock is going to nami, how do you plan to get all of that money'' ask robin while smile straight at nami, nami learns in so no one else can hear she

''well im sure u noticed hancock feeling towards luffy with the way she been acting'' whispers nami, robin nods ''well all i did was says that luffy was very hurt the last time we were hear and when we wanted to buy back a kidnapped camie but we didnt have enough money, so i told her that he would to really happy if she collected all of the money she finds at places she attack and gives it to us so that if anything ever happens like this again luffy wont be upset by not having enough money'' continues nami with a devious smile on her face and robin continues to laugh

after they get ready to attack nami also starts talking to chopper ''your going to be with those two when they are attacking and i dont know how much stronger each of them are but if they are not careful the slaves might get hurt during the attack or have been hurt by the store owner so i want you to try and keep them under control and take care of any injured people''

''ok, just leave it to me'' says a confident chopper

''ok i know i can count on you, oh and luffy and zoro aren't the type to be able to find the keys so im leaving that up to you and the rosy riders'' nami says while everyone starts laughing execpt for the sulking luffy and the pissed of zoro

all look down at the grove and see that its about to be completely covered in fog and they get ready to jump down after tying off the ship to the tree in the air and just as they are about to jump off and proceed to each slave shop robin starts talking

''remember for this plan to work it needs to be done fast we have another 5 grove we have to attack today if we want to get them all before rayliegh returns with the coated sunny go, as soon as you of free all the slaves have a couple of them on each of the flying fish they will take them straight to shakki's bar, hopfuly by them franky would have made big enough quarter to keep them if not have them stay a shakki's house until he's done'' mentions robin

''when they are no longer any flying fish the rest should be able to fit on hancock's boat and she will take them to grove 13 by sea, if there are any more then we might be able to get them onboard the ship and fly to shakki's bar but we need to try and avoid that if possible, keep the baby den-den-mushi on to keep incontact'' robin says looking to the rest of the members but stop as she see there confident look

''these over 100 slaves on this grove make sure to get them all!!!!'' shouts a excited luffy and jump down just before the rest

continued from One Piece 598 Prediction
PG 13
nami/brook/robin/usopp attacking the slave shop

''we have gotten all of the slaves out of there cells, knocked all the other personal here unconscious but we can't find the key's!!'' shouts nami standing buy all the money she collected from the back room

usopp shown thinking, brook shown rounding up the slaves and telling the ones that are scared not to worry, robin using her powers to try and find the key but its taking to long

''they seem to care more about hiding the location of the keys than hiding the money'' says nami
''well that to be expected given that the total price they want for all the slave far exceeds the money they have in the shop, we should have keep the store manger concious to get the location out of him'' says robin shown with her eyes closed looking for the keys still with her powers

''YOHOHOHO!!! looks like the others are having a better time that we are'' laughs brook with baby den-den-mushi speaking from inside of his skull
''were nearing the time limit of staying here should we forget the keys and have luffy take care of each of them when were all get back to shakki's'' says a worried and impatient nami, looking at the slaves

''no there too many of the them and it will wear luffy out not to mention that its too risky incase these wake up'' says robin with her foot ontop of a store's peronal

''I'VE GOT IT!!!!!!'' shout usopp after he done thinking, everyone looks usopp's way
''what do you mean you've got it'' annoyed nami says at usopp who's showing a smug look on his face

''well first we need to get everone out side the building, hey can you help me with these people please'' usopp asks the strong looking slaves to help move the store's personal near robin
everyone now out side of the store

''nami i need your help on this one'' asks usopp then nami hits him over the head for getting cocky earlier making everyone think he can to it alone
''just hurry up and tell me what i need to do'' says a smiling nami now that she is needed

''when we were talking ealier you said that your new weapon and make just about and kind out weather if just by someone who know how, like yourself'' usopp says to nami and she tells him that he's correct, everyone else looks on confused

''then do u think you can make a mini tornado'' says usopp with a smug look on his face pointing at nami
''yea its not too hard, ive done it before but i dont see how that going to help here'' nami replies only to make usopp act more outrageours

''well make a mini tornado and have it destroy this empty buliding and i will do the rest'' says usopp at nami who now look worried but eventualy gives in after seeing with confident look
''OK but you better not screw this up!!'' shout nami as she starts using her weapon

continued from One Piece 598 Prediction
PG 14
outside the slave shop

nami just made a mini tornado and its heading for the slave store
''i know we said that we were going to destory all the places that a keeping slaves, both store's and house to make it so they never want to this thing again but wont destroying it make it harder for use to find the key's'' says robin as everyone including the slaves are worried apart from the usopp

''don't worry, the island that i was sent to in order to get off it i didnt only need to get stronger but i need to notice the tinest movement becuase everything on that island was about to eat you, inclusing the island'' says usopp with a dipressed look on his face just remembering what happened, everyone is shocked about what he's been though speacialy the part about the island trying to eat him

''but becuase of that it will come in handy here'' usopp says as the tornado is just started tearing into the store, everyone stops talking and usopp has a very serious look on his face with his goggles on

the tornado has ripped though the whole of the store and the stuff is swilering around and the suddenly usopp draws his weapon and fire's a shot and tells nami that she can stop the tornado now, about 30 seconds later the tornado disappears and usopp runs off in the direction in which he fired and after another 30 he is shouwn running back with the keys in his hand

''ive got them, see i told you not to worry'' says usopp who's now boasting to the slaves as he opens there neck collars, nami is socked that usopp was able to find the keys in the swiling tornado and robin is even more shocked as to who he did it because fireing at a moving target after finding is increadably difficult but what even harder is judging how much the corse of your shot is going to be change while shooting into the tornado and timing it just right to hit the keys

''YoHoHoHoHoHo AMAZING, usopp-san now as soon as we get everyone out of the buliding we'll be able to find the keys alot fast if they won't tell us the location of the key's'' says a laughing brook while looking down at the unconcious people on the floor

''no it's best to try and avoid doing this to often'' robin informs brook
''why?? robin-chan'' says a confused brook

''just look around you and you can see why'' repiles robin as everyone starts to look around they notice that the area's fog is nolonger covering them
''the tornado blew the fog away and if we keep having to rely on this method then the chance of us getting spotted increase'' robin says as they all begin to walk out of the current area into a place were there is more fog

''right the hancock ship is here now you all just need to get on and we'll see you soon '' nami says while smiling after reciveing a ton of parise

''we have aranged for a safe place to sleep and some food for you, and after we've freed the rest of the slaves on this island we secure safe passage from here to were ever you want to go'' robin informs the slaves afer she notices there worried look when they board hancock boat and part ways

''BROOK we are done hear and are heading back ship, we had no problem on this side'' choppers voice is heard over the baby den-den-mushi with luffy and zoro in the back ground

''you almost sacred me to death then, although im already dead YOhohoho'' brook says as he hears a voice calling him from inside his skull, nami then whack brook on the head and take the baby den-den-mushi of him

''no we had no problems either we'll meat you make at the ship to discuss what's next'' says nami as they are shown walking back into the fog

PG 15
back on the weather ship

all the members are now back on the weather ship and are talking about what to do next with each other aswell as hancock who is on her way to shakki bar and the rosy rider who have just dropped the few slaves that each had and are now on there way back to luffy and crew
''so what now do we take care of the next grove or rest for a while'' ask chopper

''no if we want to achive what we came here to do we need to keep going until we need to rest'' robin says looking down at the map of SA and crossing off the grove that they are currently in

''yeah your right''says nami
''well what next'' asks zoro

''they are a few grove with only a couple of slave shop on them we will split up and each take on after we have freed the slave we'll meet up by the shore and with them and hand them off to hancock, is that alright with you hancock i know is not a very exciting job but its the most improtant'' asks robin
''no problem if it's for luffy i will help out'' replies hancock everyone smiles after hearing it but luffy dosent seems to take much from it only that hancock will help out

''thanks your really helpful hancock'' says a joyful luffy hancock is how blushing and saying its nothing big
''my snakes will be able to do that without anyone being on board the ship so i suggest that me and the kuja pirates take the grove surrounding grove 13 were shakki's bar is and escorting them to shakki's on foot'' says hancock to everyone over the den-den-mushi

''yea that would be great and helpful but you wouldnt have the cover of the fog will it be alright'' asks luffy ''they might find out that you are helping me and you could get into trouble with the world goverment''

''it's ok aslong as im helpful i dont mind making myself and enemy of the world'' hancock replies and she is shown with her legs gave way with she heard that luffy was worrying about her

''alright then we'll keep in canstant contact as contiune for as long as we can'' says robin everyone else is shown nodding there heads in agreesment last panel shows 12 hours later

PG 16
shakki's bar

luffy and crew come though door and are greeted by shakki and aswell and hancock who as just returned a while ealier
''were sanji and franky'' asks luffy

''sanji cooking in the house below that franky made and franky is looking for matierals that he can use for buliding a ship, he's really amazing he only just got finished buliding the house inside the root not took long ago'' says shakki at the strawhat crew members who look suprised

''it took franky that long just to build a house for the slaves???'' says nami looking at the rest that were also confused

''well yea with the amount of slaves there about he had to use up the whole of the root he said that there were enough room to hold nearly 1000 people is they all slept close to each other'' shakkis informas them expecting them to be suprised at it being able to hold 1000 but noticeing that they arent they just says that its to be expected that it took that long then if he made it that big

''yea and sanji has been cooking no-stop trying to help the slaves, there color in there face seems to have gotten better but then are still looking alot depressed i think is becuase they are still on this island and they are worried that they are going to get captured again'' says shakki and soon after that brook realizes that he can do something for them by playing a song to cheer them up so he leaves to go play for them
after brook leave they all begin to discuss that they have done about 1/4 of work that needs to be done but with them getting into the rhythm of freeing the slaves they will be able to free alot more in the next 12 hours, franky enter soon after then finish there dicussion

''hey i see you all made it back'' says franky with a depressed face and tone luffy notices that franky is down and goes over that ask why
''what up franky i thought that you would have been more lively'' asks luffy with the other behind him sitting down also paying attention to what wrong with franky

''well it's just that i cant frind enough wood to build a boat big enough to carry all of the salves, at this rate the revoultionary amry are going to be making more trip that they have to'' says franky and everyone can now understand franky worries, shakki comes from behind the bar and looks at the map that show the location of the slaves stores

''well why dont you go with them on the next time they go out'' shakki says to franky, everyone turns around and looks a shakki with a confused look
''i dont mean join in, just the next time you go out why not attack this place'' shakki says as she points to the groves that are on the edge of the SA map that are labeled docks everyone leans over and looks at the map

''we can easily change our next attack to there buy why i dont think that you would find much extra wood on the docks that you would it you cut dont some trees'' says nami

''thats not all they so there because of everyone docking the ship the most of the ship are coated there aswell, but some people hire cheap coats because they cant afford the price to coat a ship with a good coater so naturally some of the ships that have been coated end up damaged after then try to submerge the ship in the water so there are alot of ship around the shore that you could fix up, i mean it not like you have to make 1 big ship to carry the slaves, you could also fix up to ship which is faster and easier'' says shakki looking at everyone's face's as they change from being without hope to smiles

''ok that seatled then we will cover the docks with fog as we attack and franky will get whatever he needs to make the ship, i also want brook to go with luffy's group the next time around'' says robin, everyone apart from the ones who were recently with brook during the attack dont know why robin said this so they all have a confused look on there face

''why robin??'' asks luffy
''well brook has a song that can get the store personal the side with us and handing over the key's willingly, its was alot easier than just knocking the out, i thought that it would help you have an easier time'' says robin, luffy is shown with a impressed look on his face while looking a brook and then agrees

''first thing we need to do is rest and have something to eat then we will attack tommorrow'' says robin as she circles the next target 'the docks' ans the leaves with the rest of them done to eat and rest below

continued from One Piece 598 Prediction
PG 17
kitchen of the house that franky bulit

''is there anything i could do to help out'' salve girl asking sanji

''a cutie pie like you should enjoy food not be making it, just leave it all to me i can handle everything just fine'' says sanji while thinking (i need to keep these dishes a secret from everyone, the way they protected them on that island shows how valuable they are)

''SANJI!!!! FOOOOOODDDDDD!!!!!!'' shouts luffy as soon as he enters the house startaling all the people inside bur nami gives him a big hit to the head for shouting to load which also cause the slaves to feel realvied and they start smiling and laughing, brooks music can be heard by everyone after they have entered the house

''looks like brook is playing'' says nami everyone start to listen and they cant help but feel relaxed after hearing it ''it's sounds like a new song of brooks, did her make it during the last 2 year'' nami says

''here you are nami-swan, robin-chwan, hancock-sama (only thing he's aloud to call her) your meals i think you will find that very intresting'' sanji says with joy on his face of having them taste his new recipes for the first time, the rest of the crew have and very angry look while they see sanji serving them first, sanji notices

''yours is over there'' sanji points to the table full of food, as soon as they bite into it and swallow there facial experssions change as they notice some think different about there bodys

''what's this i feel like my energy is coming back'' says luffy as he if stuffing his face with food, the rest also make grunts and nod in agreement but cant stop themselves from eating to says its good

''yea on the island that i was sent to i got these recipes that can greatly effect ones body that one your eating now will give you your energy back basicially its for endurance'' sanji says pointing to the food that luffy eating ''brook told me that you've been working non-stop for the last 12 hours so i new you would be hungry and tired so i made that for everyone'' sanji smiling with a face thats shows he's proud with himself

''won't we have to worry about the food suppile running out if you let luffy keep eating like that, i mean we did get alot of food but that was for the slaves'' says nami to sanji with hancock in the background next to luffy trying to feed him some of her food

''no i knew this was going to happen so i asked the kuja pirates to take the food that they found in the slave stores that they were using to feed the slaves, and on there way back after the food shops says that the hancock-sama had alot of food they gave it to her for free to get inher good graces'' sanji replies to nami while not even looking instead looking at hancock happy expression and going of into his own little fantasy thinking that its becuase of the food he made, until he notice's hancock feeding luffy then his love struck expression turns to anrgy

''good thinking sanji-kun'' says nami in a cute voice to try and get sanji to calm down after she notices his anger and it works ''we all need to get some rest we will be attacking again in the next 7 hours'' nami says a she and robin walk over to hancock and asks if she wants to sleep with them, hancock agrees only because she is going to use this chance to see if they have any feeling of love towards luffy

PG 18
30 hours later

''luffy there's only 1 grove left'' says robin as they all sit down tired after doing all of the attack but luckly they all when to plan so far
''thanks guy after this last attack we'll only have to worry about the slaves getting off the island and we can just wait for rayliegh'' says luffy to the rest of them

''dont mention it, we all didnt like what was going on this island when we first stepped on it over 2 years ago'' says nami dead tired but still smiling, sanji then walks carrying meals for each of them to get there strengh back even though he also is dead tired from all the cooking he has been doing
''hey sanji how are they all doing down below'' asks luffy with a piece ofmeat hanging out of his mouth, everyone paying attention

''well they are squezzing together but they are happy that they free and cant wait to get off the island'' sanji says as he sits down while lighting his cigarette after blowing some smoke he smiles

''thats good, you and franky have done a great job''says luffy as everyone agrees and they start laughing

''its nothing for the new and improved SUPERRRRR!!!!! me'' franky says while drinking one cola bottle after another ''also i finished the 2 ship like asked and have kept then near the shore line for when we need them''

''ok that great'' luffy says with the look of have a fair bit of energy after finishing sanji perpared meal and looking around to the find that the rest are also the same, shakki emerges from a back from where she keep a den-den-mushi

''i just got a call from both rayliegh and the revolutionary army, each said that they will be here in a couple of hours'' everyone faces light up with the though of seeing the sunny go again and a end to this mission

''ok just this last place left'' says usopp as he looks at the map and them has a curious look on his face
''luffy why did you leave this place for last, i mean it would make more sense to attack grove 60 last and then make a break for it stright after because its closet to the marines'' asks usopp which also grabs the attention of everyone in the room as they look towards luffy

''well that place is the same place that tried to sell camie last time and seeing as this time around we are destroying entire bulidings that have anything to do with the slave trade i thought that we should all be there when that happened'' luffy says with a giant smile on his face and the rest of the crew now realise want luffy want with the last place and each has a sight smile and thanks him, the only person that has been not following is hancock after she found out with place they were attacking next

hancock is shown with a deep concern look on her face over luffy after she remembers who owns this last slavery house, she only reemembered who it is because he's a person who discusts her nearly as much as the tenruybito because of his personality and the bisuness that he is involded in, and the possibilty of him being close, hancock looks down at a world goverment letter adressed to the warloards

continued from One Piece 598 Prediction
PG 19
Marines HQ

''how many do you think will show up this time after the summons'' marines A (high ranking officer)
''one or two is we a luckly but that dosent matter we just need to discuss the current problem and then inform the rest of the warlord on the dicsion'' marine B (another high ranking officer)

''hahahaha that why i love coming to these meetings'' said the voice of the man walking though the door, both marines quckly turn there heads towards the door

''it seems your here as usaul doflamingo'' marine A, a big smile is shown (bottom half of doflamingo's face)
''Of course i came, i love come to what the marines squrime and then ask for the help or pirates kill other pirates HAHAHAHAHA!!'' he says mocking the marines infront of him but they are even more shocked at whats behind him

doflamingo walks forward with the shadow behind him also following and the both sit down at the same time
''i didnt expect to see you her.... MIHAWK!!'' doflamingo says in a arragont voice
''we i had a feeling that something was going to happen on SA below so when i got this summons i and had no other reasons to decline, so has anything happen'' mihawk looks towards the marines

''no nothing big has happened that we know of...oh wait there was a report of some slave shop getting destroyed one after the other with no sign of stopping, but considering that we have deny no knowledge that they were there we havent been getting involved'' says marine B looking at a file infront of him thinking that in fact they ae doing them a favour by destroying them becuase they wouldnt be able to with the world nobles wanting slaves

''hmmmm is that so'' says a intrigued mihawk this also catchs doflamingo intrest as he wonders why he is so intrested in what happening on SA
doflamingo has a little flashback to a few hours before he arrived at the meeting were he gets a call from the owner of the Auction house in Grove 1 saying that anything to do with the slave trade has been destroyed in the last few days and even though he knew doflamingo said that hedidnt want anything to do with it 2 years ago cause he thought that the war with whitebeard was more intresting, he still though that he should call because he was worried that he is next

doflamingo is shown saying ''after the war with whitebeard it's gotten boring so if whatever happens at this meeting dosent intrest me than i will come down a see is its more intresting tere'' says a laughing doflamingo, flashback ends

''looks like its getting intresting again hahahaha!!!!'' doflamingo says with a crazy smile as he leaves the room on his way to SA, the marines want to stop him becuase they havent gotten to discuss the reason they summoned that yet but after seeing how crazy his smile if they froze up in fear and was unable to stop him

continued from One Piece 598 Prediction