One Piece 613
613 Mermaid Princess in the Hardshell Tower
Cover: News Coo is dropping off the newspapers
The article is about the Strawhats making a comeback
Vander Decken IX has been waiting his letter to be answered for 10 years.
The reply isn't coming... says Wadatsumi
Vander Decken IX, Captain of the Flying Pirates. Fishman of Japanese Bullhead Shark (Cat-shark)
Wadatsumi, fishman of Giant Tiger Puffer
Vander: Today, I'm going to send her an axe with a rose drawn on it again.
He throws the axe
But like a boomerang, it comes right back.
The mermaid princess is crying her eyes out. Her name is Princess Shirahoshi
Luffy is panicked, he doesn't know how to handle it. The aforementioned axe comes flying there
Luffy catches the axe so it doesn't hit the princess
Neptune's servant comes into the room, asking if the princess is ok
The princess hides Luffy
servant: About Straw Hat Luffy... we have trouble
Luffy and co are to be locked up under the suspicion of kidnapping the mermaids
Zoro is already locked up, Nami, Brook, and Usopp are about to be caught as well
Luffy is the only one they can't find. He asks her highness to be careful, and leaves the room
Luffy and the princess talk
Luffy asks her who threw the axe
The princess says it's a gentleman named Vander Decken, who was afflicted by a devil's curse called Mato-mato (Target-Target)
Apparently he has set myself as a target, and can aim for my life from anywhere and anytime... due to that it's too dangerous to go outside, and I haven't stepped a foot out of the tower (figure of speech)
Luffy chat with her while eating. The princess asks questions, or answers questions
Luffy would mess with her, and make her cry again
Luffy says he doesn't like her (for being a crybaby, most likely) making her cry even more
Luffy then asks her if there's anywhere she wants to go
Princess answers there's many places she'd like to go
Luffy: Then let's get out of here, let's take a walk outside! If something comes your way, I'll blow them all away
Usopp, Brook, and Nami are surrounded
As they're fighting, Zoro shows up saying he heard festival songs, so he came out.
(His roundabout way of saying I hear party going down, let me in on the fight I guess)
Meanwhile Hodi and Vander Decken shake hands, united in a common cause with merit to both of them.
To take the head of Neptune!
Vander is throwing axes at the mermaid as a sign of his affection
Neptune's daughter is mistaking that as killing intent (well who the hell wouldn't lol)
Parts in () are my own notes to decipher, not ohana's own
No real new info from what T already covered
k good night
Coversation between Wadatsumi and Vander Decken
(Flying Pirates member: The Giant Watadsumi, A fishman of Giant Tiger Puffer)
(His nickname "Dainyuudou" is a folklore giant in Japanese myths)
Flying Pirates Captain Vander Decken IX, fishman of Japanese Bullhead Shark (Nekozame)
He told Princess Shirahosi that her life is DEAD or MARRIAGE.
It means she either swears love to him, or die.
He throws an axe, stating he'll send her an axe with picture of roses drawn on it.
The scene changes to Ryuguu Kingdom, Princess Shirahosi's place
Luffy is trying to calm the crying princess down, and suddenly the axe mentioned earlier comes flying in from between the doors
Luffy notices it right away, and stop the axe
The guards come to the princess, but instead of handing over Luffy, she hides Luffy behind her
The guards tell her it's been decided to lock up all the Strawhats in the cell
They say Zoro is already caught, and Nami and Usopp is soon to be caught as well
After the guards leave, the princess and Luffy have a conversation
Vander Decken is cursed by a devil's curse called Mato-mato (Target-target) (most likely a DF)
Once he decided the princess is his target, his attacks make their way to her with precise accuracy, so she can't leave the tower
The conversation between Luffy and the princess continues
She treats him to dinner. She says she's been locked up for a decade now
Luffy asks the princess out for a walk, and tells her if anything comes flying her way, he'll blow them all away
Scene changes to the palace
Nami, Brook, Usopp didn't agree to get caught easily, and are fighting
King Neptune is conflicted that although he doesn't necessary agree that they should be arrested based on fortune telling, for the moment he asks them to come quietly, and proceeds to attack them
Right as his attack is about to land, Zoro, who apparently escaped from prison, stopped Neptune's attack!
Zoro: I hear some festive songs playing... so I came!! (out)
Scene changes to Fishman town of Noa
Hodi and Vander Decken allies to take the head of King Neptune and bring down the Ryuguu kingdom
As they shake their hands, Decken tells him to wait a second and wears a glove on his hand.
(T guesses maybe the person he touches with his hands becomes his target)
End of chapter
EDT: T adds that Princess Shirahoshi is SUUUUPER cute. And he feels she's gonna fall for Luffy.
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