by: Ohana - 2Ch

perhaps there will be a story about
bees past and raikage
and maybe nauto convo with yami naruto?
mr kissame is interesting as well
Translation by: vered - NF
she is giving the spoiler as a she wont get in trouble.
what she said in the "prediction" is the real spoiler.
meaning we'll get bee past,naruto and yami naruto talk and kisame.

674 :ohana
678 :ohana
Motoi-san and bees friendship story
The reminiscence ends in this chap. (ie)the rest of the attempt to kill bee & bee plays dumb about the fact he was almost being killed.
Hi Guys, Zetsu-san here, just to let you know about this
Naruto Shippuden Movie 4
I would recommend watching if you already haven't done so
(we finally get to see Yondaime in action!)
____________________________________________________________Naruto Shippuden Movie 4
I would recommend watching if you already haven't done so
(we finally get to see Yondaime in action!)
by: The Special One
Naruto 494: Motoi’s darkest Secret
(The panel focuses on the Hachibi terrorizing the island on a dark night 30 years prior, as Motoi takes the narrative.)
Motoi: “I, uhh. There was always bad blood between me and the current Raikage of Kumogakure for years. We were both valid candidates for the next Raikage position, even as young as we were. Oh, how we quarreled… (The next panel shows a young Killer Ei and Motoi [who has shorter spikes and less dominant facial features] feuding with each other.)
At the time, no one could hold a candle to us. In order to become Raikage, we both had to constantly try to one-up each other. The council and the Lightning Country Damiyou knew that the Sandaime Raikage would eventually succumb to death by old age and one of us would eventually be chosen.” (The scene switches back to the present.)
Naruto: “And this has what to do with you trying to kill the Octopus guy?”
Yamato: “Listen Naruto, he’ll get to that.” (Motoi bites his lips and continues on.)
Motoi: “Due to the events that I will get to later, I had a good edge against him, my rival. Until, until he decided to turn to Bee… (Naruto and Yamato have shocked looks on their faces.) Despite being of lineage to the throne, there was a bit of controversy regarding Killer Ei, later known as the current Raikage. Killer Ei was later looked down upon because he couldn’t keep his brother in check. A power that was untested and too risky to use, therefore wouldn’t be a beneficial asset to the village.
(Next panel shows a 12 year old Bee being strangled by a Raiton Cloaked Killer Ei. Killer Ei then drops young Bee, as both of their cloaks dissipate. Killer Ei’s eyes tear up a little while young Bee look intently into his older brother’s eyes. Killer Ei then grabs young Bee by the arm and they walk off. In the distance, Motoi can be seen spying on them.)
Even though Bee was outgoing and quite docile in terms of aggression, the villagers feared the wrath of the forever untamed Hachibi of the past. They figured it was only a matter of time before that kid would lose it. After all, the Hachibi was never successfully controlled, and the stories were passed down from one generation to the next. The villagers began to distrust the decision to preserve the existence of the Bijuu by the Killer family, the family who've held Kageship for the longest. When Bee was attacked by those who feared him, his emotions became violent and he gone out of control, which brought forth lots of bloodshed, even to those who weren’t involved.
(Panel then focuses on young Bee, who is covered in blood and surrounded by corpses [Meanwhile, Naruto pictures Gaara in one short-panel].)
My rival knew that in order to become Raikage, he must tame the Hachibi, therefore securing power and trust in the eyes of the council, the Daimyou and the Feudal lords, and the villagers. But, that was the greatest edge I had over him, his uncertain ability to achieve such a feat, after all, Bee was his responsibility after their father died in battle, and after their mother was sacrificed to bind the bijuu under the reign of the current Raikage at the time. Killer Ei’s plan couldn’t succeed; I wouldn’t let it because I didn’t want to lose the Raikageship. Therefore, I came up with the perfect scenario. I would kill Killer Bee, my rival’s brother, and become the savior who put the Hachibi to rest for good. I would be made Raikage.
The villagers believed it was always a mistake to try to bind the Hachibi to a person, due to its uncontrolled power for years. At this point, it was becoming more of a threat to the village itself than anything else. And if I became the man who took down this menace, my power as a shinobi would be respected enough to to win the Jounin votes. Killer Ei would be ousted, and I'd have the proper means to secure his downfall.” (The scene switches back to the present.)
Naruto: “Power… Is power all that matters? How selfish!”
Yamato: “Naruto… Back in the day conspiracies such as this were common. Raikage and this man here are remnants of the old way. Power decides who lives and who dies. It’s unfortunate, but that’s just one of those principles that hasn’t really died out.”
Motoi: “Exactly…”
(Naruto remembers Raikage’s words to him.)
Raikage: “Every country, every village, has strived to obtain the most powerful ninjutsu it could muster. For those without power are crushed! This is the absolute law of the shinobi world!” (Scene switches back to the present. Naruto looks down as Motoi begins to narrate again.)
Motoi: “It was a mission in the dark. I had to kill him when there was no one around. But, it took three years before his older brother would let him stay at the island by himself. In those three years, the two brothers honed their skills to frightening levels.
(The next panels focus on Killer Bee around the age of 15 and Killer Ei during one of their bouts on the island. Killer Ei has his Raiton Cloak on while Killer Bee has his multi-tailed cloak on.
Killer Bee reaches for both of his twin short-swords from his back and charges forward. Killer Ei stands his ground. Once Bee gets within range, he swings his left sword downward diagonally and his right sword horizontally up top, before the blades make contact, Killer Ei quickly uses both of his hands to smack both of the swords out of Killer Bee’s hands. Killer Ei then uses this opportunity to head-butt his brother, however Killer Bee catches on and both head-butts each other at the same time, causing sparks of chakra to flicker in and out. Motoi can be seen from a cliff over-looking the battle. He gulps.)
Killer Bee must’ve mastered his Bijuu long before I tried to assassinate him, so I knew approaching him in a straight-up fight would be suicide...”
(The panel focuses back on the island. It is night-fall. Killer Bee is sleeping on small mat in the middle of the forest. Motoi is dressed in black attire. He draws out a kunai and slowly approaches the sleeping Bee. Motoi begins to place the Kunai near Bee’s throat, preparing to silence him, however Bee instantly dons his cloak, which blocks the kunai, much to the shock of Motoi. The next bit of dialogue takes place in the past.)
Motoi (in thought): “That’s impossible….”
Killer Bee: “Heh, heh, heh… Sneaking around like some alley cat, well, you ready for combat?” (Killer Bee sits up and then stands up.)
Motoi: “How, how!?”
Killer Bee: “Trying to kill me huh? Well, I’m afraid that ain’t happenin yo!”
Killer Bee: “It’s the beast inside me. It warns me when danger is near, after all, if I die, it pushes daisies too. You fail. Stupid idiot! (Killer Bee starts to change and go into his Bijuu form. Motoi begins to shiver.)
THIS IS THE POWER THAT WILL PUSH BROTHER TO THE TOP! OH BO-I!” (This image matches the image on the last chapter’s ending. Motoi falls to his knees.)
Motoi: “I’ve failed… Killer Ei will become Raikage. Heh, knowing what just happened now, I bet he’d never let me live.”
Killer Bee (in Hachibi form): “HOW ABOUT WE KEEP THIS A SECRET YEAH?” (Motoi is shocked.)
Motoi: “Why? I tried to kill you!”
Motoi: “You, you really are a something Killer Bee.” (The scene switches back present, the dialogue is no longer in the past.)
Motoi: “And ever since then, Killer Bee has been protecting Kumogakure from all kinds of threats, and he eventually gained the village’s trust. I never became Raikage, but I was a witness to the birth of a great hero. I living after that was more than I could ask for. It seems Raikage-sama respected me enough to let me manage this place, despite being cold full of greed and going behind his back like that and doing things dirty. I, I don’t deserve to ask Killer Bee for anything. And that bout wraps up my story.” (Sobbing sounds can be heard. Motoi turns around and sees that Naruto’s crying.)
Naruto: “That was such a beautiful story! WAHHH!”(Tears flow for Naruto’s face. Yamato sighs. Naruto turns to face Yamato.)
Yamato: “Hey, what?”
Naruto: “HOLD ME!”
Yamato: “HELL NO!”
(Naruto wipes his face using his arm.)
Naruto: “Motoi dude!”
Motoi: “Yes?”
Naruto: “I think I’m ready to give it another shot!”
(Motoi smiles a little.)
Motoi (in thought): “Hmm, he really is like Bee…”
by: AkamaruChewtoy
Naruto 494: The Hachibi Host
Motoi (narrating): For many years, Kumogakure was one of the less powerful shinobi villages and each war took a considerable toll on it's people. If not for the bijuu that were bestowed upon us by the First Hokage following the First Shinobi World War, it surely would have been destroyed.
However, sealing techniques of our village were crude and because of the might of the Hachibi, many potential hosts died in the attempts. The Hachibi was used only as a weapon of last resort - summoned to cause chaos and disrupt battles more than win them. It often proved just as costly to our forces to reattain it as any battle we fought without the Hachibi's use.
That all changed with the rise of Ei and Bee's family. They were a truly powerful and gifted group. Ei was so talented, he was pegged as a future Raikage at an early age. To ensure his ascension, Ei's uncle persuaded the village elders to allow him to attempt to seal the Hachibi into Bee. They reluctantly agreed.
But it worked and for the first time, Kumogakure had two jinchuuriki in its ranks - providing a potential advantage in battle.
However, the Hachibi was unstable and all through his young life, Bee experienced flare ups of the Hachibi power, causing much damage. 30 years ago, all that the village elders feared came to be.
It was during the Second Shinobi War. Kumogakure was suffering greatly.
Young Bee: I'm here for rations for my family (hands over a food stamp).
Supplier: Ah, here you are. Good fortunes to your clan in battle.
Bee: Thanks! (turns and is tripped up by Kumo ninja)
Kumo Ninja #1: Hey! Watch it you little brat! (bends over, picks up some of Bee's bread)
Bee: Ah! That's mine! Give it back!
Kumo Ninja #1: Get out of my sight! (Gives Bee a kick) Why don't you run back to your mother you little monster.
Bee: NO! (energy forms around him) GIVE MY FOOD BACK!
The energy turns into a pulse and throws the crowd back, destroying tables and supplies.
Kumo Ninja #1: !? ow... you...
Supplier: The stocks. (picks up a bat) What do you think you are doing, you little shit!
Bee looks over at him, eyes have gone demonic.
Supplier: Oh no... you're the...
Bee screams, and the supplier is tossed back through a warehouse door.
Voice: Bee!! That's enough!
Bee turns, snarling, to find Ei, covered in his lighting armor and not effected by the Hachibi energy.
Ei: Calm down. This is not how you want to behave. (grips fists)
Bee: B-Brother... (energy disappears and he faints).
Motoi: Sadly, these outbreaks were more than a seldom event. Whether it was the stresses of war or the frequent missions that took Ei away from Bee for many weeks, Bee's resolve was weakening and the Hachibi was escaping. Only Ei appeared to be able to calm Bee and it was feared that Bee might lose control when Ei was not in the village. It wasn't long before most Kumo Ninja weren't thinking of Bee as a potential weapon, but as a liability.
(A crowd of ninja gathered around a small table, squeezed in a small dark room.)
Kumo ninja #1: We cannot allow him to carry on in this village
Crowd: Yeah!
Kumo ninja #2: But what are we going to do? The elders want him here as a last line of defense. They'll release the seal rather than let the village be taken over.
Kumo ninja #1: If we don't do something, he'll destroy the village for our enemies! We must get ride of him.
Younger Motoi: I agree, but without a safe-hold anywhere nearby, we'll never be able to hide him and then retrieve him if needed.
Kumo ninja #3: I think the time for hiding the hachibi is long past.
Motoi: What?
Kumo ninja #3: It has always been just as dangerous to us as our enemies.
Kumo ninja #2: What are you suggesting?
Kumo ninja #3: That we --- kill him.
Kumo ninja #2: You're crazy! The elders will NEVER agree to that plan! Jounin or not, you don't have the authority.
Kumo ninja #1: The elders be damned - this is our village and our families at risk!
Motoi: But what about the Raikage??
Kumo ninja #3: That old fart? He's about to step down anyway.
Kumo ninja #2: You know this?
Kumo Ninja #3: Indeed. They appear to be ready to give the reins to that punk Ei.
Crowd: !!
Kumo Ninja #3: I say, he's too young and too soft on his brother. He'll lead to more problems. Without the Hachibi to back up his claim to Kage, the strength of his clan will fade and a better Raikage will be installed.
Kumo Ninja #2: You mean, youself.
Kumo Ninja #3: Naturally. And I'd be grateful to those who aid me.
This was a unique opportunity. The death of the Hachibi would cause a major powershift in Kumogakure and provided me with an opportunity to fast track my own career. I was too young to see any drawbacks and in my arrogance I made the worst decision of my life.
Young Motoi: I'll do it.
Crowd: !?
Kumo Ninja #3, grinning: Eh?
Young Motoi: I'll kill the Hachibi.
Kumo Ninja #3: Hmm... you're age and particular skill set... yes, you are the perfect choice for this Motoi. The Yotsuki clan would never expect a threat from you.
I'm thinking we won't get the entire story in one chapter, even though I've thought my own prediction through at least one more chapter (not to mention this one could have been two alone if I had decided to dialogue the first bit), I think I'll end it here. Let me know if you want more.
by: Silverblade
Naruto 494: The History of Killerbee
-Manga panel shows a young Bee next to the Raikage
Motoi: A beast came from the sea and attacked the village. It was the Hachibi who possessed extraordinary power. Countless of villagers died to this beast. The third Raikage was the one "Killerbee's father" to seal it into his son Kirabi. Because he was the youngest of his two sons.
Naruto makes his :O face
Yamato: Hmm.
Motoi: Years later. Killerbee couldn't control his beast and ended up killing half of the villagers including my family. I wanted revenge. The Raikage placed a Subdue seal on Bee to keep the Hachibi chakras in check. Months passed and I began to plan how to get him alone to kill him. I would be a village hero because everyone feared Bee. One day Raikage sent Killerbee to train at the remote places in Kumo.
Motoi: THEN that is when I made my move.
Naruto: !!!! What happened?!
Motoi: I struck Bee with my Kunai, but then a huge uproar of chakra knocked me into the wall. There were shinobi who were watching Bee and came to check up on him. Bee was about to kill me, but the shinobi stopped him and the Raikage was informed. Therefore, my punishment was to reside on this island and if I would make another attempt to kill Bee I would be assassinated.
Motoi: With forgiveness.
Naruto: !!
-- Scene switches to Sasuke, Madara and Kabuto --
Kabuto: Long time no see Sasuke.
Sasuke: Madara, why did you let this loser join forces with you.
Sasuke still has bandages around his eyes.
Madara: He is going to help us. Now he is a part of Akatsuki. Right now I've alerted the small countries to make their move against all 5 shinobi nations.
Sasuke: Hehehe- When can I remove these bandages?
Madara: Four more days. Then you will have supreme power like never before.
Sasuke: I feel the power growing through my veins.
Madara: I must take my leave. Come on Kabuto.
Madara vanishes with Kabuto.
Madara: I am here to retrieve a special eye. Go ahead and kill some villagers if you like.
Kabuto: Sure.
-Scene switches to outskirts of Konoha-
Some manly ninjas with huge axes appear before the village.
Shinobi: This village will be no more once we're through.
One of the shinobi uses a Raiton---
- Scene switches back to Madara -
Rain Shinobi: Its Madara!!!
-Next time WAR begins. What did Madara summoned?
Hi Guys, Zetsu-san here, just to let you know about this Naruto Shippuden Movie 4 - I would recommend watching if you already haven't done so.
by: Tribulation
Naruto 494: Itachi's secret
Anko and one of the other two leaf ninja starts fighting against Kabuto.
The other leaf ninja teamed up with Tokuma to start fighting with Madara.
All four of them clash Kunai just to tested each other.
[Scene Changes to Waterfall of Truth]
Evil Naruto: When I join Akatsuki I'd have to gave them a gift. So I'm thinking of taking the 8-tails.
Kyuubi: Sasuke Sasuke that's all you do Naruto!
Naruto got taken over by the Evil Naruto and started attacked Captain Yamato.
Evil Naruto: What do you think about my scary face Captain? Evil Naruto punched Yamato.
Kisame thinking the Evil Naruto just took over the Kyuubi's host. This could be one of the unseen advantage for Akatsuki. I can used to our advantage.
Evil Naruto: Thanks Motoi for letting Naruto bring me out! [EVIL LAUGH]
Killer Bee dropped down from the tree.
Killer Bee: Yo! Evil you'll have to face me now!
Evil Naruto: Yamato! I'll killed you!
Evil Naruto knocked out Motoi and Yamato. Evil Naruto when into the Sage mode.
Killer Bee is becoming weak after every punched by Evil Naruto hits him with.
Gai notices the birds was flewing from where Naruto and Yamato. So the Ninjas that was guarding.
Gai arrives to see was gonna on. Kisame think Now I can get my revenge against the Konoha's brainless ninja.
So he attacked Gai.
Hachibi: I'll told you Bee that there was something wrong with your new sword.
Killer Bee: Yo don't say I told you so.
Hachibi: I'd think I just did.
Killer Bee is unable to move but still alive.
Kisame: Naruto!
Evil Naruto: What do you want fish?
Kisame: Akatsuki knows everything about your family. This war isn't about protect you. It's about hidding the truth from you.
Evil Naruto: I'll join you before I'd give you Kyuubi I have few questions for Madara. For a peace offering I will bring the Hachibi to you guys.
Kisame: Alright then.
Zetsu Appears.
Zetsu grabbed Kisame and Evil Naruto that was holding Killer Bee.
Zetsu, Kisame,Evil Naruto with Killer Bee disappear.
read and submitted only at
[Scene Change to a Akatsuki's hideout]
Zetsu: Kisame is it wise to bring Naruto here?
Kisame: The Naruto that had the will of the fire got sucked into the darkness like Sasuke did.
Zetsu: Then He joined us after he became Evil right?
Kisame: Yes that's what happen. He wants to asked Madara about his family and then after that He'll give us the Kyuubi.
Zetsu: Madara joins forces with Kabuto.
Zetsu left
Evil Naruto starts to sound like Itachi.
Itachi using Naruto's body.
Evil Naruto with Itachi's voice: Kisame
Kisame: What the?
Itachi: I'm in Naruto!
Kisame: Prove it!
Evil Naruto closed his eyes and reopened his eyes.
Kisame sees the Evil Naruto with Sharingan.
Itachi: I know every thing Madara thinks that I don't know.
If you tell Madara that I'm in Naruto. I'll get Sasuke to kill you as well. I'm tell you cause you were my partner in Akatsuki and don't tell Naruto. After the Kisame left.
Itachi snapped Naruto back to his good side.
Naruto: Where am I?
Kyuubi: Your evil self brought you here. You are in one of the Akatsuki's hide outs.
Naruto: I thought I heard Itachi's voice?
Itachi: You did heard my voice and Akatsuki thinks that you just join them.
Evil Naruto: It's to late for you to go back. [Evil Laugh]
Nartuo remembers the seed that Captain Yamato made them ate before they meet Sasuke at one of Orochimaru's lair.
Naruto focus his chakra to the seed.
[Scene Changes to back to the Waterfall of Truth]
Captain Yamato felt the Naruto's seed that woke him up.
Yamato woke up Gai and Motoi.
They all notices that Killer Bee and Naruto is gone and not on the island.
They all where shocked.
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