What's interesting so far?

No I don't need to be told what's going on, I've been following One Piece so far, and honestly its getting rather interesting, but its so sparatic that I have little to say about how well the story line is going on so far.

But what I will talk about is how the story is developing so far with Luffy's crew, Zoro has proven himself so far to be a rather unknown in terms of fighting ability, he was able to beat Hodi with only one sword. But then Hodi probably wasn't taking him seriously, he didn't have his pills, or Hodi's just toying with him. Who knows.

However Luffy doesn't seem to have lost any of his comical side as he gets himself tied up, and he kicks Vanderdecken (hope I spelled that right) into the ground effortlessly. Now if only the whole island wasn't against him. However Luffy seems to have lost some connection with his crew if he's so quick to ditch for another reason. I'm not saying he doesn't care about them, I'm sure he still cares plenty, however he just seemed to forget them very quickly to help the princess get out of a room. Maybe he spent too much time away from his crew and he hasn't got his head back in the game yet.

What I'm hoping to have happen next is anything that will bring the crew back together, and have that Caribou guy get his ass whooped. And have the fight continue further with Hodi and his crew.

Well until next time.