I'm Back from the Dead

I'm back, I had kind of drifted off interest from One Piece for some time, because the story was doing a repeat of the Strawhats getting seperated and having to find each other, honestly it rather irritated me. Also I found an interest in Hetalia, if no one knows what that is, I'll explain later. In the mean time, I don't have much time while I'm writing this but I will (better be) back later on today to write some more.

As for this chapter, the Mermen are beginning to really irritate me, I was happy when Arlong got his clock cleaned, but now we've got another racist Merman whos clock needs to be cleaned, and I don't see any conflict happening soon, not to mention the Mermaid Madame Shirley also predicted that Luffy is going to be the cause (or part of the cause) of the destruction of the island, and since she (unluckily) always seems to have her predictions come true, it wouldn't be a stretch to say that Luffy is going to fight Hordy Jones (Really? I didn't expect that as a name for a Fishman, I was more expecting something like Sarita Gills you know more Fish like, then again what am I complaining about?)

Oh, well please comment if your still following this, and I will be back soon, and NO INSULTING OR FOUL LANGUAGE, constructive critisism is however acceptable.