One Piece 593 Spoilers/ Raw Pics/ Discussions

One Piece 593 (English)
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East Blue
Above the massive bridge...

Revolutionary: "The light of revolution".... that's what we called you, and have been searching for you for more than 10 years.
You are the sole survivor of the nation who fought against the world...Ohara.

Revolutionary: Please do not fear us... we are your allies.
Our boss have instructed us to protect you from the World Government with all our might if we ever come across you.
Robin: Your boss?
Revolutionary: The chief commander of the Revolutionary Army... Dragon.

Robin: (that's Luffy's father....)
Fufu... what a strange fate.
Revolutionary: ?
Please meet our boss. I will take you to him.
Robin: ..... No, I'm sorry, I have a place where I must return to.
Besides, you don't have to protect me. I have crewmates.

Revolutionary: Ah, the Strawhat Pirates. Yes, we have all the information about you...

*alarms goes off*
???: B2 under seige by enemy forces! (cut off and blurry)

Revolutionary: Did you read!? About that Strawhat Luffy they claim to be Dragon's son...!
Revolutionary: Yeah, he was said to be missing in action after the war, but now he shows up and cause such an incident...!!
Revolutionary: We should get this newspaper to Nico Robin asap. I'm sure she's worried about him....
I don't think she's passed the bridge yet.

driver: We will be passing through several ruins before we get to the end of the bridge.
This is because as the construction of the bridge advances, the entire nation moves forward along with it.
By the way, we're just passing through the contruction site from 300 years ago.
Robin: Why are they making this bridge....!!?

Grandline, Pink island, Kamabakka Kingdom

Iva: So this is the wanted picture of Strawhat boy?
Sanji: Yeah.
Iva: This is Pirate Hunter Zoro
Sanji: Yeah!? *pissed*
Iva: And this is Thief Cat Nami
Sanji: YEaAaaAaaAH!
Iva: And this is King of Snipers, Sogeking
Sanji: yeah...
Iva: And this is you?
Sanji: HELL NO!!

Iva: See, I knew it! Where are you!? You don't have any proof that you're a crewmate of Strawhat boy!!
Sanji: I told you already, I'm his crewmate!!! Just tell me what's happening to Luffy right now, kamaKing!!
It says right here on the newspaper that you were with Luffy!!!

Iva: is this you?
Sanji: NO!!! I mean, it is, but it's not...!!!!
....At least the name is mine...... *shaking in anger*
Iva: Why does it pain you so much to say it?
Sanji: YEAH, IT'S ME!!! That stupid looking wanted poster... is defenitely me! (blood spewing from mouth from admitting it)
Iva: Nah, it looks nothing like you.
Sanji: THEN STOP MAKING ME SAY IT!!! You're making me cough up blood for nothing!!
Iva: It's no use. As long as there's even 0.1% chance of you being a spy of the WG or the Marines,
I won't give you any information of Strawhat boy!!!
Sanji: Fine... then please let me borrow a ship. I have to get to the rendezvous point where Luffy should be coming!!
Iva: I won't give you a ship either
Iva: mmmmmmnnnnn well alright, you've convinced me with your sincere heart. You want Strawhat boy's information? fine, I....
Sanji: eh?

Iva: ...won't tell you! HEEEHAW!
okama: Oh, he got me there!!
okama: Iva-sama!

Sanji: haa... haaa... damnit
okama: I think he's weakened
okama: This is the time, let's put him in a sweet dress!
Sanji: I will never wear that thing again!! Stay put!!!
I'm a man amongst man, and I love ladies!! Don't you dare get near me!!!
....hey, your name is Iva right? Alright, I decided to take your ship like a true pirate. Duel me!!
Iva: sure.

(Sanji beaten to pulp)

Iva: I'll tell you what's going on with Strawhat boy, twirly boy.
Sanji: ....why did you change your mind?
Iva: Well, it's because it's already out on the news and the world knows.
I wonder what he's up to?
Sanji: Today's newspaper.... WHAT!? LUFFY!?
Inazuma: Iwa-san!! We have a call from Vertigo...!!
Iva: Oh, is that right.
Inazuma: Please follow me to the communication room.

Grandline, Vertigo, the island of white earth

Iva: The news was taking about the relation with Garp as well.
Your identity have been exposed to the world all at once hasn't it, Dragon?
How are the Revolutionary soldiers reacting to it?
Dragon: heh... seems they were relieved to learn that their creepy boss is infact, a human being with blood coursing through his body.
It doesn't matter, Luffy is not a child any more. But I never guessed he was with you...
Iva: Did you see today's newspaper? Strawhat boy is full of surprises!
He must have gotten his unprecedented antics from his parents.
Dragon: ......
(White denden-mushi, sends a mental wave that blocks wiretapping)
Iva: Anyways, me and Inazuma....

Iva: ... both have a lot to talk with you, after the sudden break out.
Dragon: Yes, I figure...
Pretty soon we will have to gather all the commanders that are spread all around the world.
With Whitebeard's death, the way the world turns and the way the WG governs will change drastically.
... and I need to tell you what happened to Kuma.
Iva: !!.... yes, I would like to know that very much. Why is he following the government's orders?
The Kuma I knew is no more... he tried to kill me!!
Dragon: ........

Grandline, Sabaody archpelago
The dock where the Thousand Sunny is parked

Kidnapper: Hand over that ship!! That belongs to Strawhat Luffy, the son of the revolutionary Dragon, doesn't it!?
If we hand it over to the marines, they would pay us a pretty sum of cash!!
Look, we're in the same business... if you hand over that ship in peace, I'll be willing to split the money with you, Flying Fish Riders!!!
Duval: What's that? Did you say Handsome?
Kidnapper: How did you hear that from what I said!? Just hand over the ship, you idiot!!!

Duval: Like the hell I wouldnurabeccha!!!

Duval: Listen up!! I, the gorgeously handsome Duval, would never hand over the ship of my benefactor under any romantic..I mean circumstances!!
While I'm alive, I won't let a finger on the young master's ship!! I would, however, like to lay a finger on a girl!!
Uh, I mean, Don't you even think you can lay your fingers on it!! Right guys!?
YES! Barasome!

Camie: Woo!! Duvally, you're so cool~~!
Duval: See, I get love calls from chicks because I'm HANDSOME!
Duval: I love you too!!
Camie (talking to Hacchin): The first place we should take them is Mermaid Cafe! It's so fashionable there
Hacchin: Nyuuu the best place to sight see is the Fishman Karate dojo, Camie
Pappag: I promised that skeleton I will introduce him to the mermaid princess.

FFR: Master Duval, they're ignoring you!
Duval: Oh for real! Oh well, no biggie!
Camie: Hey Shakky-chan? They're gonna gather again using the vivre card, right? Thanks to the newspaper, we know Luffy-chin is doing fine!
Shakky: Yeah, it may take a little time... but it seems Ray got to Luffy safely.
Until then, we have to protect this ship somehow....
Duval: Hey sis! we're here to do just that! I don't care if marines or whatever come to...
FFR: Master Duval!!! It's Kuma!!!
Duval: A Bear? There's no bears on this island....
Status: DISCUSSION/ Analysis
by: Hellfire 32

True to many peoples word, they aren't following much on One Piece right now, And suffice to say that there isn't much to talk about still, these past few chapters are just filling in the gaps. But one thing that definitly surprised me is how the rest of the crew knew nothing about the War until some time after, I actually thought that they knew something about it and were already with Reyleigh, but however I guess none of them could leave the island let alone get proper news information where most of them are, the only one I'm surprised that didn't find out about the war sooner was Nami, she is in a more civilised area afterall. What I want to see is everything summerized I think we all have had enough with the filler story and background stories mostly because they hold little information that we really need to know, don't get me wrong the story about Sabo was nice and well worth it, but afterwords, I have little interest as to what is happening for what troubles the rest of the crew is going through, I want to see them have already finished it and are trying to meet up with Luffy kind of like Chopper, I hate the idea of continuing their troubles much like Brook.

Since there isn't much to talk about post a comment of what you think or strike up a conversation on the chat box, I will be eagerly awaiting the next chapter and hopefully there will be better content in the next chapter.