One Piece Predictions 588

By: Ryan Rye

Well getting upset?


Because some of my predictions that I made in my last blog turned out differently. First, I thought Bluejam was just some small fry pirate. But even Dadan had some trouble dealing with him. I completley forgot that Bluejam was a pirate with a bounty on his head. I forgot that Ace and Luffy are still kids in this flashback. I just really overlooked Bluejam (sorry). But I never thought that even Dadan would want to run from a fight with Bluejam. I thought that she was some bad ass pirate or bandit that was stronger than Bluejam. I mean Garp asked her to babysit his grandson so I thought that she would be strong.

Second, Dragon. I was really worked up when I saw Dragon in the previous chapter. I thought the next chapter would give us a glipse of Dragon. But again my predictions did not happen (I expected too much haha). The only great thing I saw in that chapter is I saw Dragon, Ivankov, and EVEN KUMA.

Lastly Sabo. Why did you not join Dragon when he was making the offer to others to join him? Are you nuts? That's the best offer you could have. Ahahahaha, I'm the one that's nuts. How could he accept when Sabo is in Goa Kingdom and Dragon is in the Grey Terminal making that offer. I thought Dragon would take Sabo with him after hearing the speech he made. But again it didn't happen. But maybe there is another twist to it, like him becoming the unkown Yonkou, or the squad captain of a yonkou who knows.

So again, I'll make another prediction for the next chapter.

So, is that the end of the Sabo incident?

Sabo is sailing away from the island, Luffy is anxious and worried about Ace and Dadan. Ace and Dadan are no where to be seen, and a World Noble is visiting the kingdom that day.

Can we conclude that the Sabo incident is over and we will be watching another of Luffy's past?

I would conclude yes, as far as I can see, the incident is over, and last chapter will be the last time we see Sabo in this flashback.

So what will happen next?

I will say that maybe, just maybe the next chapter will be on Dadan, and Ace vs Bluejam. Or maybe the Goa kingdom will hold a festival and another incident will occur. Also maybe the next chapter will be the summary of Ace sailing away.

Will Garp show up?

Nah, he's busy eating dounuts, why did I include this, because I have nothing else to add ahahaha.

BTW the next episode is out and it is showing Sanji and Chopper, you should watch this, this is the one where Sanji goes Ivankov HAHAHAHA.