Prediction by Lawlord

Chapter 576 prediction
By Lawlord

Chapter title: The blackbeard pirates

We see Aikanu landing on some rock, and he doesn’t touch the ocean, laying defeated and bloody.

Whitebeard face close up, his eyes are white

Sengoku: “What the hell is this blackbeard!?” (he lets up Garp)

Blackbeard: “Zehehahaha sorry to disappoint you, I’ve just been waiting for the right opportunity.”

Sengoku: “??”

Marines: “Opportunity? Whats he talking about? Is he still a Shichibukai?”

Blackbeard: “Didn’t I tell you straw hat, you put up a good fight, but I’m sorry it’s my time now zehahahaha!”

Luffy is unconscious in Jimbei’s arms

He jumps down from the scaffold, landing with darkness all behind him.

We see individual portraits of all his crew all smirking.

Blackbeard: “It’s time for me to replace you father! ahahah”
with writing “The Blackbeard pirates assemble!!”

Marco (angered): “That bastard, this is all his fault”

Whitebeard pirates stop running and start turning around to face teach.

“hey what’d he say to the old man!!?” say the wb pirates. “Whoa! Are those the 3 legendary impel down prisoners!? Is that shiryu?”

Close up on whitebeard, his eyes shut: “Get out of here, NOW!!!!”

“Teach!!” says a group of WB pirates as they grit their teeth and turns for the ships.

Luffy is being rushed aboard a ship by Jimbei, oblivious to the happenings.

Sengoku: “Replace him, what is this nonsense?”

Blackbeard: “I will kill whitebeard myself and claim his title as Younkou, and you marines had better not interfere in it”

Sengoku: “You dog, can never trust a pirate… Aikanu”

Aikanu springs forth and shoots a torrent of ice towards blackbeard

The large drinking crewmember leaps down, drinking his bottle and releases a spray of fire from his mouth, incinerating the ice blast.

Aikanu: “this man… this will be more difficult than I thought”
Aikanu instantly freezes the ground and it rushes toward, and freezes the feet of the man!

Close up on Blackbeard face as he grins as the HUGE OARS like man smashes his fist on the floor shattering the ice surrounding the drinking mans feet, while smiling.

Blackbeard: “OH so it’s going to be like this is it, zehahaha”

The drinking man is standing in front of blackbeard, BUT THE NEXT THING WE SEE IS A FLASH OF VICE ADMIRAL GARP!!

He appears out of nowhere, close up of his face with tears in his eyes

Garp: “ACEEE!! He started this!”

BAM!!!! His huge fist connects with the legendary drunk man and smashes him away into the building.

Blackbeard: ?!?!

Garp stops before Blackbeard

Sengoku (thinking oh crap I let him up): “Garp what are you doing!?”

Blackbeard: “Zehahahaha, I’m sorry about Ace, apologise to straw hat will ya”
As he charges his darkness around his fist and blasts away the ground, knocking Garp back. Garp is blasted away

Sengoku is about to charge but stops and thinks: “They only seem to want to target Whitebeard, I should let this go for the moment”

Kizaru is about to fly in, Sengoku: “stop for the moment”

Blackbeard is walking towards Whitebeard with his crew behind him, walking past the marines and towards WB.

Marines: Wow look at his crew! Amazing, Shiryuu of Impel down, shichibukai Blackbeard, the 3 legendary prisoners, what power!!!”

Blackbeard (staring down WB): “It’s time to claim the prize, zehahahaha”
Whitebeard stands strong and resolute
WB pirates shocked and worried


Next chapter title: A yonkou

By Lawlord